Doctoral Schools

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Nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości

Code DJ-SS
Organizational unit Doctoral School
Level of education doctoral school
Language(s) of instruction Polish
Duration 4 years, 8 semesters
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Education of doctoral students lasts 8 semesters and ends with the award of a doctoral degree.


Education of doctoral students is based on the education program and individual research plan.

Education at the doctoral school enables the doctoral student to gain research competences and greater scientific autonomy.

The doctoral school education program will provide the doctoral student with additional qualifications of key importance to the researcher, such as the ability to publish research results, the ability to work with students, the improvement of language skills and the development of soft skills.

In parallel with the acquisition of knowledge, the doctoral student conducts scientific research, participates in seminars and scientific conferences, prepares scientific articles under the direction of the supervisor, and participates in conducting didactic classes.

Qualifications in the field of knowledge, skills and social competence are obtained in accordance with the requirements for level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework.